Funding goal reached! currently doing market study and product testing


A compact, modular and minimalistic solution for your camera storage needs.

Design proposal FAQ

  • This is mainly for photographers that need a spare battery or memory with them on their trips. It is also for those who don't have a good storage solution when keeping those things at home.

    Persona: Early 20s-30s, non gendered, likes order and organization, likes industrial design, likes buying trinkets

  • As to not overscope it is planned to support the five most common battery and memories. Although as this product is modular a new module is easy to design and produce if needed.

    Examples being, SD cards, AA batteries, modern camera batteries and film like 35mm

  • The materiel cost will come from investing in a new 3D printer from Bambulab aswell as a laser engraver to cut out the cover material. The material cost consists mostly of PLA and the cover material. Additional funds will also be needed to purchase broken batteries and memories so as to test fitment.

    Estimated minimum cost est. at 4000kr

    Estimated optimal cost est. at 5000kr

  • Right now the plan is to sell it via word of mouth aswell as sites like Etsy and its competitors.

  • The AMES is supposed to be made in a family of other products that all use the same material and materiel, in conjunction with this family the goal is to recoup the initial manufacturing costs.

  • The whole AMES unit will always be kept under 100g of filament aswell as a single 30x8cm sheet of cover material.

    This makes the per unit cost as low as 20kr/unit. and 1/10th of a filament spool.

    Adding cost of production, packaging and assembly time we are looking at a price of ca 70kr/unit

    The estimated sell cost is 200kr/unit before shipping netting us ca 130kr profit.

    If the materiel and materials cost match the minimum viable price that means ca 30 units have to be sold to turn a profit and reach the goal of this project.

  • You can always contact me at

  • As I undertand it the goal of this project is below the profit limit needed to tax the production as this is a "hobby" project, therefore I do not yet have a company.

Current design

The current design is a bit too small and needs more support material to be shock resistant, the cover material also has not been decided.


As it is an iterative and fairly cost effective process a lot of materials and designs can be tested quickly.

In world use

An early version of the AMES unit is already in use supporting a DSLM camera.

Prototyping process

Staying within cost and design constraints require constant prototyping, here is a few pictures of that process

Market study

Currently I am looking for product testers to expand the inventory of inserts aswell as gauge practicality and weaknesses.

Work in progress